Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler

Found 7 Search results

  1. Multiple Reflections Upon the Fast of Tammuz

    Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ג | |

    Turning to the book of Zekharya, we begin with a question posed to the prophet: are the fast days still to be in place after the exile? An ambiguous and lengthy answer ends with the response that they will be transformed into days of joy. Conspicuously absent in the answer is a time frame. To better understand what is going on, we explore what happened on the day commemorated by the “fast of the fourth month.” Excerpts from poetry of Ibn Gabirol, among other sources, contribute to a richer picture of what the fast day is about.

  2. Espionage in the House of Ahab

    Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ד | |

    Beginning with the “oil miracle” for the wife of one of the “Bnei ha-Neviim” in the stories of Elisha the prophet, we ask a number of questions that lead us to the individual Ovadya mentioned in the stories of Eliyahu. Who is Ovadya? Ovadya is a senior official of Ahab, but he also secretly hides and sustains hundreds of prophets-in-training. How did he come to be so trusted by King Ahab, whose fault it was that the prophets feared for their lives? Classic commentators assist us in painting a portrait of Ovadya, who becomes the insider agent who connects the dots between seemingly unrelated stories, personalities and events.

  3. Hakhel, Shmitta, and the Story of Devarim

    Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ה | |

    We analyze the connection between Hakhel, Shemitta, in the context of Sefer Devarim as a continuation of the Revelation at Sinai. A major idea emphasized in Sefer Devarim is the preparation of Am Yisrael for entering Eretz Yisrael. There is going to be a need to restate the messages in Sefer Devarim and reenact the experience of revelation at Sinai when re-entering the Land of Israel, played out through Hakhel. We explore the imperative of staying connected to the Revelation at Sinai always, and relate to concepts such as conversion to help us understand the messages of Devarim and how to keep vibrantly connected to the covenant.

  4. Biblical Phrase Inspirations upon Liturgical Texts

    Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler |

    Much of our liturgy contains phrases from the Tanakh. In this shiur, we look at various allusions to Biblical texts in context, some of them surprising. We look at prayers such as the "Netaneh Tokef" (recited in many communities on Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur), Lekha Dodi, Birkat HaMazon, and various prayers sprinkled throughout the daily Tefilla. 

  5. The Five Fast Days of Tevet

    Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler

    תאריך פרסום: 5777 | | Hour

    What are the "five fast days of Tevet?" Well, there are at least four possible dates in traditional Jewish sources, as well as a fifth idea. We examine some of them, and explore the different aspects of the Fast of Tevet.

    We begin with an unusual phenomenon in Tanakh: a Halakhic question and answer. The question is posed to the prophet Zechariah: is it proper to cry and fast for the four Fast Days of mourning once the second Beit HaMikdash is being built? Zechariah's answer is not clear, and neither are the dates of the fasts.

    When is the Fast of Tevet meant to be, and what is it really marking? Aside from signifiying another stage of the protracted Destruction of Jerusalem, the Fast of Tevet also marks the time when the Jewish community already in Babylonia heard that Jerusalem was destroyed in the time of the prophet Yehezkel - months after the burning of the Beit HaMikdash! This and other events linked to the Fast of Tevet lead us to identify another dimension what this fast may be mourning: assimilation of the Jewish people.




  6. The Essence of Pesach Sheini

    Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler | Hour and 4 minutes

    What is the goal of Pesach Sheni? Is it its own holiday or a “makeup” for Pesach? Three different views in the midrash identify the people requesting Pesach Sheni, which correspond to three different halachic viewpoints as to the essence of Pesach Sheni. We examine each opinion and in order to analyze the meaning and significance of this day.


    Click here for a downloadable audio version of this lecture

  7. The Impact of Aharon’s Death on the Nation

    Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler

    תאריך פרסום: 2023 | | Hour and 5 minutes

    The precise date of Aharon's death is recorded as Rosh Chodesh Av. This is the sole example, throughout the entire Torah, of a recorded date of death and its significance cannot be underestimated. This lecture will focus upon the immediate impact of Aharon's loss to his generation, as well as its long-range influence upon the Jewish nation as evidenced by the date's inclusion into the list of (optional) Fast Days found in Shulhan Arukh.