Rabbi Mordechai Friedman
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Yosef and Chanuka
Rabbi Mordechai FriedmanWhat is the connection between the story of Yosef and Chanuka?
Yosef's ability was not only to dream and see the hand of Hashem, but to profoundly affect those around him with the sublimity of God.
The events of Chanuka occurred after the period of prophecy and supernatural events.The war in which "the many fell to the hands of the few," although extraordinary, was not a supernatural occurrence. It was the unique ability of the Chashmonaim to recognize, interpret and more importantly, to effectively relate to the populace that this was truly the workings of God.
Like a dream occurring in the sleeping conscience of a person, the glowing flames of the menora were, at first, a hidden event. And like the dreams encountered by Yosef, the events of Chanuka required interpreters, advertisers and inspirators to act as conduits to the souls of the people. Yosef and the Chashmonaim were illuminators of the will of Hashem.