In the beginning of Chapter 3, Amos warns the nation that being the chosen people will not prevent them from being punished. In fact, the opposite is true – the choice imposes on them a responsibility which, if ignored, will bring harsh punishment. In the continuaton of the perek there is a series of rhetorical questons with similar structures, emphasizing that the prophet is compelled to prophesy (3-8). Afer the series of questons, Amos begins to give prophecies of rebuke against the upper classes in Samaria, whose wealth is derived from exploitaton of the poor.
Chapter 4 begins with rebuke for the idol worship in Beit El and Gilgal. The naton absorbs blow afer blow, but remains rebellious and does not return to God.
The study guide includes guided questions and an appendix about the Kingdom of Israel.
4 pages
Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen