Perek 49 includes prophecies to five nations. The perek opens with a prophecy about the destruction of Ammon, Moab's northern neighbor, who fought with the tribes of Israel who were in the Transjordan area (1-6). Afterwards, there is a prophecy about Edom which is south of the Transjordan area (7-22). The third prophecy deals with Damascus in the North, which was the capital of Aram in the past (23-27). Afterwards there is a prophecy about Keidar and the nomadic tribes that lived in the Syrian- Arabian desert and were conquered by Nevuchadnezzar twelve years before the destruction of the First Temple (28-33). The final prophecy in our perek deals with the distant kingdom of Elam, which was east of the Tigris River, and whose capital city was Susa (Shushan) (34-39).
The portion of the book which deals with prophecies of the gentiles closes with a series of long prophecies of doom about Babylonia in perakim 50-51. The prophecy of doom which will come to Babylonia has woven within it prophecies of consolation and redemption for Israel. The destruction is divine retribution and revenge for the destruction of Israel and the Temple, and will bring redemption to Israel and allow it to return to its land.
Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen