Rabbi Yaakov Medan
The Torah commands that the days of the week are counted to lead up to Shabbat, and the months and years from the Exodus. Today this is uncommon; instead...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
A review of various biblical sources indicates that the wanderings of Bnei Yisrael in the wilderness had additional significance, aside from the need to...
Rabbi Ezra Bick
The manna symbolizes emunah and faith in God; this essential connection is mirrored in the link between the manna and Shabbat. The quail signifies...
Haftarot: The First Day of Rosh Hashana
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
The haftara of Rosh Hashana relates the story of Hannah and the birth of Shmuel. Sarah, Rachel and Hannah were all infertile, and according to the midrash...
Haftarot: The Second Day of Rosh Hashana
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
On the first day of Rosh Hashana we read of the desired model - inscription for good life by virtue of man's righteousness. However, not everyone merits;...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
What is the significance of the placement of the haftara of Shabbat Shuva and "Dirshu Hashem" in the wake of the Sheva Denechemta? What type of teshuva is...
Haftarot: VeZot HaBerakha
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
This chapter describes the reinforcement and fortification of Yehoshua's leadership, following Moshe's unique leadership. The haftara is The verse "You...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
Does the haftara of Yom Kippur teach us about repentance or atonement? This lesson examines the terms teshuva and kappara, while highlighting the...
Haftarot: Chol Hamoed Sukkot
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
What is the relationship between the description of the war of Gog and Magog in Zachariah, which is read on the first day of Sukkot, and the description...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
Source: ;
Sefer Shemot begins with a repetition of the list of those who descended to Egypt; However, there is an essential distinction between this list and the...