Rabbi Yehuda Rock
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Moshe's monologue is finally complete. Rishonim are divided as to when Moshe actually heard the content of this speech from God. Specifically, the...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
What is the Torah which Moshe is commanded to write? Is it the entire Torah, or only part of the Torah? What is the "song"? Why does God command Moshe to...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
The nation's suffering is intensified due to the length of the exile, and the feeling that God has abandoned them. The prophet encourages the nation by...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
Tisha B'Av has a dual nature of mourning and teshuva. Appropriately, we seek comfort on this day from a dual message of consolation and a call for teshuva...
Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot
Three elements emphasize the uniqueness of Sefer Devarim in the context of the Torah: it is a speech; the contents are, to a large extent, a repetition;...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
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There are a number of differences between the stories in Devarim and the descriptions of the same events in earlier books. This article addresses two...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
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What are the differences between the Ten Commandments in Yitro and the Ten Commandments in Va'ethanan? This lesson focuses on the differences in the...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
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After the sin of the Golden Calf, Moshe prays and asks God to forgive Bnei Yisrael. According to Parashat Ki Tisa, Moshe prayed before he descended from...
Rabbi Yehuda Shaviv
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Why were these seven particular prophecies by Yeshayahu chosen to comfort us in the seven weeks following Tish'ah B'Av? Perhaps in addition to the comfort...