Near the end of Slihot every night, the evocative piyut “Mi She’Ana” (“He Who Answered”) is recited. It recounts Biblical personalities whom God answered and helped in their times of crisis or distress, and turns to God to answer us as well.
Bnei Yisrael were cornered at the Sea of Reeds (Red Sea) by the Egyptian chariots. They had finally been allowed- even urged- to leave Egypt, but after a journey of three days, Pharaoh led a hot pursuit, pinning them against the sea. They faced a forced return to slavery in Egypt – the apparent alternative was death by Pharaoh’s troops or drowning in the sea. They were on the cusp of freedom but now a watery grave loomed. They cried out to God. He answered them through the spectacular splitting of the sea. They crossed through dry land and the sea swept over Pharaoh’s army. Bnei Yisrael were no longer fugitive slaves. They were saved from bondage and death by drowning –and could now begin their journey to realize their destiny of becoming a nation serving God.
Though we may feel at times on the brink of catastrophe, cornered with nowhere to turn, we can cry out to God and pray for an unexpected salvation.