The first king of the divided kingdom of Israel, Yerovam is from the tribe of Ephraim and his mother's name is Tzerua. 

Yerovam begins his career in the employ of Shlomo who puts him in charge of the labourers from the tribes of Menashe and Ephraim.  Following God's declaration that He will tear the kingdom from Shlomo as a punishment for his idolatry, the prophet Ahiah HaShiloni appoints Yerovam king over ten tribes. Shlomo is apparently aware of Yerovam's ascent to power and tries to kill him. Yerovam seeks asylum in Egypt under King Shishak.  When Rehavam takes over from Shlomo, Yerovam returns to Israel. All the tribes save Yehuda   and Binyamin make Yerovam their king when Rehavam takes a hard line with the nation. Yerovam is insecure about his position and fears that the nation will return to Rehavam since they have to travel to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices in the Beit HaMikdash there. To lead the people away from Jerusalem, Yerovam establishes two centres of worship north of the city, one in Beit El   and one in Dan, providing each place with a golden calf. Yerovam also commits other idolatrous practices. The altar in Beit El is destroyed generations later by King Yoshiahu during his religious reforms (II Kings 23:15). Yerovam and Rehavam do battle continually throughout their reigns (II Chronicles 13, I Kings 14, 30). When Yerovam's  son Aviah falls ill, Yerovam sends his wife to consult with the prophet Ahiah who warns the royal couple that the prince will die as will the entire line of Yerovam due to the sinful behaviour of the king. Yerovam   dies after a 22-year reign and his son Nadav succeeds him.

Adapted fromTanakh Profiles -