When Uzza dies after touching the Ark, David postpones the rest of the procession to Jerusalem. Why does David act so severely? What went so wrong in this journey that led to a radical turn from joy to despair?
In this shiur, we discuss the twists and turns in the story of David bringing the Ark to Jerusalem, focusing on the motif of success and failure. We also engage in a comparative analysis of our story in Shmuel Bet with the account in Divrei HaYamim, and with the similar story about the Ark in Shmuel Alef.
After examining the messages that emerge from each narrative, along with various interpretations of commentators as to what prompted the tragedy, we consider what the Ark is meant to symbolize – how it is meant to be viewed: not as a Divine object that will grant us victory, but as a vehicle for a closer relationship with God.
Yemei Iyun be-Tanakh - תשע"ה