In this final instalment of the Akeida shiurim, we will examine some comments of the Abarbanel on the Akeida. Are tests for the benefit of the “tester” or the “testee”? What possible benefit can come from the Akeida? God cannot benefit, as He is all-knowing. Avraham does not stand to gain, either. But there is a third party involved in this story: the main focus of the story is Yitzhak. And Yitzhak will change dramatically.
Abarbanel suggests that each of the forefathers has a life-defining experiences that develops an important spiritual quality. Yitzhak, as a miracle child, may have been a little coddled. The trauma of Akeidat Yitzhak provides him with necessary toughness to enrich his personality. It provides him with the realization that life demands choices.