In this fifth instalment of our Mishlei series, we study both the 5th and the 6th poems in the Book of Mishlei – the third chapter of the book. We continue from last shiur's message, that understanding and internalizing the concepts of God keep us from straying and bring us spiritual gain.
We look at the relationship between intellectual knowledge and action in the world. What is the difference between the relationship to the mitzva and the relationship to the Torah? We guard the mitzvot, keeping them in mind for when the time comes to act upon them. But Torah is about not forgetting, not about just guarding. We examine the meaning of "length of days" by looking at the story of Yaakov's interview with Pharaoh in the book of Bereisheet, and look at the relationship between kindness and truth in the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy
Intellect and action - hesed (lovingkindness) and emet (truth) can sometimes seem to contradict one another, but the "tree of life" image in Mishlei sends the message that we must support society and also ourselves. This personal and interpersonal development evokes the intertwining of truth and kindness.