The Song of Haazinu is to serve as a witness for future generations. It tells a historical tale of Bnei Yisrael. But what story does Haazinu tell? This shiur sets out to follow through the story line and point out some interesting features, and then make some philosophical comments and spiritual insights.

Many of the classical commentaries seem to present the Song of Haazinu as the ultimate story of the Jewish people- a story of exile and redemption, outlining the future of Jewish History. But is this indeed so? Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun and Rav Elhanan Samet point out that the song makes no reference to exile or to leaving the land. 

 If this is not a prediction of future exile and redemption, then what is this song, and why is this song needed? Why must it be so readily available for people to remember throughout the ages?  Is it another exile and redemption cycle? Or does the Song of Haazinu present a different paradigm – one entirely within the Land of Israel?