Avraham and the Idols
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The Biblical Roots of Midrashic 'Stories'
Rabbi Moshe Shulmanתאריך פרסום: תשע"ג | |
We take a methodological look at “Midrashic stories” and how our Sages used these stories, often borrowed or reframed from completely different parts of Tanach, to interpret and highlight Biblical events of parallel or contrasting nature.
Avraham and the Idols: A Midrashic Reflection of a Biblical Story
Rabbi Amnon BazakThis lesson will examine the famous midrash about Avraham breaking his father’s idols. The analysis will use the literary analogy to the biblical story of Gideon, to explain that the purpose of the midrash is to clarify why God chose Avraham. Is the biblical assessment of Gideon and Avraham similar?
"Then Shall I Bring Upon the Nations a Clear Language"
Rabbi Yaakov MedanWhy did God choose Avraham? The midrash offers two explanations. The story of the furnace parallels the story of Chanania, Mishael and Azaria, and the story about destroying the idols is taken from Gideon. The two parallels points to a broader connection between Avraham and these characters, and about the sin of Nimrod and The Generation of Disunity (Dor Hapalaga).
Something from Nothing: Who is Avraham?
Rabbi David Silverberg