Clash of Cultures

Found 2 Search results

  1. Bears, Culture Wars, and Historical Movement

    Chazal's Preambles to Megillat Esther: Part 5

    Rabbi Moshe Taragin | 28 minutes

    Why does Reish Lakish compare the Persian Empire to a bear? He uses imagery from Daniel's apocalyptic dreams to send a deeper message about Purim within Jewish history. Bnei Yisrael must understand that history can accelerate—there are historical opportunities, though not always maximized. More than a face-off with Haman, the Jews must struggle against a culture and empire which attempts to control without a moral spirit.

  2. The Dynamics of Oppression

    Rabbi Michael Hattin

    Suffering the Canaanites to maintain their cultural presence in the land constituted an invitation to intermarry with them, for they were the dominant culture.  Intermarriage, in turn, necessarily led to an adoption by the Israelites of the easier way of life – idolatry. 

    Otniel, the first judge, represents the final link with the generation of Yehoshua and the elders that succeeded him.  Additionally, as a champion of the settlement of the land who personally battled the Canaanites and prevailed, Otniel recalls another dimension of Yehoshua's inspired leadership. Though he is a tribal leader - as opposed to Yehoshua - he is presented as a national savior as are many of the other judges in the Book of Shoftim.