continuing Avraham's legacy

Found 18 Search results

  1. The Legacy of Sarah

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 35 minutes

    Parashat Hayyei Sarah is comprised of three main stories: purchasing the cave, finding a wife for Isaac, and Abraham’s third marriage. Why is the Machpela purchase so lengthy? This shiur examines parshanut, literary and philosophic approaches. It emerges that this episode allows Abraham to establish roots, further ensuring that Isaac continues the legacy and values of Sarah.

  2. Two Lekh Lekhas, the Akeida, and Avraham's First Mitzva

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  3. Yitzhak's Name: Laughter or Law?

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  4. The Forefathers and the Akeida: Visions of the Future

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  5. Sons and Genealogies - Selection and Rejection

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell

    תאריך פרסום: 2006 | | 30 minutes

    Why do the generations of Yishmael appear in the Torah in addition to the genealogies of Yitzhak, the son selected to be Avraham’s successor? The lists are there partly as a contrast. Stories recur throughout Bereisheet with motifs of dynasties and transmission: There are two sons who can follow in their father’s footsteps—one is chosen and described in greater length, and one is sent away. In this shiur, we look at the pattern of selection and rejection throughout the various occurences of the lists of descendants.

  6. Yishmael: Son of the Handmaiden or Son of Avraham?

    Rabbi Moshe Cohen

  7. Because Avraham Kept the Covenant - Yitzhak Inherits?

    Rabbi Aytan Kadden

  8. "Toladot" of Yitzhak: Continuity

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  9. Yitzhak - Continuity and Renewal

    Reuven Lavi

  10. "In the Merit of Avraham" - Critique of Yitzhak?

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  11. Why Would Anyone Stop Up Wells?

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  12. Yitzhak: Following Avraham's Footsteps

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  13. Two Negotiations and Two Historical Struggles (Chayei Sarah)

    Rabbi Moshe Taragin

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ו | |

    Parashat Hayyei Sara contains two negotiation stories that parallel each other: Avraham's request to buy a burial plot in Hebron from Ephron the Hittite, and Avraham's servant's quest to find a wife for Yitzhak in Aram Naharayyim. What is the significance of the juxtaposition and of the many similarities? In this shiur, we examine the many parallels between these two stories, such as the journeys, the initial ease and then the adversity and obstacles. We discover that they complement each other, and together they raise questions about universalism vs. particularism. Though these concepts (and stories) seem to contrast and negate  each other in some ways, in Avraham and his people they are interconnected.

  14. Morality, Justice and our Rights to the Land of Israel: Abraham

    Rabbi Dr. Daniel Tropper | Hour and 6 minutes

    Parashat Lekh Lekha seems to begin a series of stories that appear random in terms of their sequence and content. We find, however, that there is structure and purpose to these stories. What is Avraham's mission, and how do these stories cohere into a greater narrative that reflect Avraham's aspirations, missions, setbacks, success and enduring messages? How do the setbacks, too, impart messages about morality and the Land of Israel that continue to play out throughout the generations? 

  15. Hayyei Sarah - Another Test?

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 16 minutes

    Last week, Parashat Vayera we talked about the first and last test- of Avraham. Some view this parasha as a continuing test – purchasing land for his wife’s burial.  We also see the transition to Yitzhak, who continues and completes the mourning process for Sarah, as well. Nevertheless, Avraham is an active player in Chayei Sarah. This Parasha exemplifies the idea that sometimes, the challenge or test is to follow God’s path even without clear instructions.

  16. Vayikra: Salting Our Sacrifices

    Rabbi Jay Kelman

  17. Wells, Journeys, and Marriages: Hidden Patterns in Biblical Stories

    Dr. Yael Ziegler | Hour and 10 minutes

    The well betrothal scene is a common type scene in the Tanakh. Through a careful examination of each betrothal scene in light of the others, we can identify each of their unique features in order to more deeply understand each of the stories, the identities of the characters, and the legacy that emerges.

    Courtesy of

  18. Parshat Chayei Sarah Part 6: Death of Avraham

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 26 minutes

    This final podcast of Parshat Chayei Sarah reflects on the three main stories of the parsha, and discusses their common theme of Avraham securing his future. 

    Courtesy of