David's Reign
Found 4 Search results
The First Split of the Kingdom
Chapter 2 (I)
Rabbi Amnon BazakChapter 2 discusses the first period of David’s monarchy over Judah in Hebron. Why was David’s first order of business to turn to the people of Yavesh Gilad? Who is to blame for the division of Israel into two monarchies – with Ish Boshet ruling over Israel and David ruling over Judah?
David's Sons: Punishment, Repentance and Redemption
Dr. Yael Ziegler | Hour and 1 minutesThis lecture presents the incident of David and Batsheva as the turning point in David’s life, representing a collapse in his career and personal life which had been so successful prior to this event. Through a close examination of the text we learn to appreciate the character and leadership of David, as well as the power of teshuva.
Lesson 27: Conclusion
Prof. Yehuda ElitzurThis essay serves as a conclusion to the books of Samuel, summarizing the content of the books and their purpose.
The Thread of the Davidic Dynasty
The Structure & Story of Books books II (42-72) & III (73-89)
Dr. Beni Gesundheit | Hour and 9 minutesMizmor 50 and the 2nd David collection D2 (51-72) – its Structure and Story
Why would the mizmorim of David be presented in separate collections from the 1st David collection (D1) in Book I? Wouldn’t it make more sense to just compile all of David’s mizmorim together in the book of Tehillim?
The analysis and context of Mizmor 50, the first mizmor of the Asaf Collection (50; 73-83), offer meaningful insights into the structure of Book II. Mizmorim 51-72 comprise the 2nd “for David” collection (D2). Insights from intertextual comparison with II Samuel 11-12 and contextual reading of D2 will reveal the overall structure and narrative, beginning with the moral foundation required for royalty (51) and continuing with events that occurred during David’s reign, including David’s old age (71, 9) when he passed his kingdom on to his son Shlomo (72). Differences between the D1 (3-41) and D2 collections are discussed.