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Death of Eli
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The Defeat at the Hands of the Pelishtim and the Death of Eli (I)
Chapter 4 (Part I)
Rabbi Amnon BazakChapter 4 describes one of the worst defeats Israel has known in the biblical era. The reason for the downfall remains vague: the text does not mention an explicit sin deserving of such a defeat. In fact, the text seems to imply that the nation acted appropriately when they turned to God's Ark. Why, then, did they suffer such a great defeat?
I Shmuel 3-4
Matan Al Haperek
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta ShapiraThe induction of Shmuel into the exalted world of prophecy renews the relationship between God and His nation which had been weakened during the period of the judges. Shmuel undergoes a personal transformation that dramatically changes his own life and the collective experience of the nation.