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Found 5 Search results

  1. The Prince and the Prison (Audio)

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 24 minutes

    Yosef finds favour while he is a slave in Egypt - in Potiphar’s house, and in jail. The text emphasizes again and again how God is helping Yosef. But if this is so, why does God bring Yosef continually downward? What is the meaning and message of Yosef’s descent?

  2. What's Wrong with Taking Spoils?

    Rabbi Alex Israel

  3. Yoel 1-2 - Matan Al HaPerek

    Rabbi David Sabato

    Chapter One of the book of Yoel  begins with a descripton of a harsh plague of locusts in Israel which destroys the entire crop. The prophet calls to the people to mourn the great calamity.

    Chapter Two opens with a warning to the people about the calamity which will befall the land as the day of the Lord approaches. The chapter continues with a call to the people to repent, return to God, and declare a public fast day. Finally, there is a response from God and a descripton of the salvaton and joy, showing a complete reversal of the harsh calamity.

    This study guide includes structural overviews, guided questions, analysis and a look at the plague of locusts.


  4. The Chafetz Chayim on Yosef's Success

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  5. Hanukka and Humility - Yosef and Pharaoh's Dreams

    Rabbi David Silverberg