Eikha - mourning or reproach?
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A Fresh look at Eicha Chapter 5
Rabbi Chaim Brovenderתאריך פרסום: תשס"ט | |
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag provides a ten minute introduction concerning the book of Yirmiahu, and Yirmiahu's purpose as related to the Destruction of the Temple. Yirmiahu's purpose is not to predict the destruction, but to prevent it. This serves as important background to Megillat Eikha, which is ascribed by Chazal to Yirmiahu and which presents the Destruction in the past tense. Rabbi Brovender discusses the fifth chapter of Eikha and connects its ideas to other parts of Tanakh.
Shabbat Hazon
Haftarot - Devarim/Shabbat Hazon
Rabbi Mosheh LichtensteinThe word "Eikha" in the haftara connects the chapter to Megillat Eikha, which is read on Tisha B'Av. Was Eikha written with the purpose of convincing people to do Teshuva, or was it written as a book of lamentations, with the purpose of lamenting the destruction? A similar question can be posed regarding the haftara - is it focused on mourning, or reproach?
Introduction to Eikha
Shiur #01
Dr. Yael Zieglerתאריך פרסום: 5778 |
In this series on Eikha, we will examine broad themes, such as theodicy, false prophets, national sinning, and human suffering, but we will also engage in a close reading of the text. While drawing on academic sources and methodology, my interpretative framework is rooted deeply in the world of Torah learning. I hope that this reading will yield a stimulating understanding of the book, and that it will illustrate how biblical poetry works and how it offers its readers spiritual insights and wisdom.
In this introductory class, I will raise some of the technical questions that arise with respect to the book of Eikha. The book’s title, its author, its unity, and its date of composition are all subject to dispute. After presenting a brief overview of various approaches to each of these issues, I will explain the approach that I will adopt in this series in addressing each of these subjects.