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Found 4 Search results
Ya'akov's Encounter with Esav and His Struggle with the Angel
Rabbi Elchanan SametYaakov prepares extensively to meet with Esav, but there is a great contrast between the fear and trepidation that accompanies the preparations and what happens at the actual meeting. The struggle with the angel, which is at the very center of the story, is an integral part of the narrative; the purpose of the struggle is to explain the gap between the preparations and the actual meeting.
Yaakov's Blessing for Esav
Rabbi David SilverbergA Gift
Rabbanit Dr. Michal TikochinskyWhat do we learn from Yaacov's encounter with Eisav?
Rabbi Ezra Bick | 37 minutesThe shiur examines midrashim that use the story of Yaacov's meeting with Eisav to extrapolate lessons about the relationship between the Jewish people and the nations of the world.