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The Biblical Roots of Midrashic 'Stories'
Rabbi Moshe Shulmanתאריך פרסום: תשע"ג | |
We take a methodological look at “Midrashic stories” and how our Sages used these stories, often borrowed or reframed from completely different parts of Tanach, to interpret and highlight Biblical events of parallel or contrasting nature.
The First Dream and Its Interpretation (Part 3)
Rabbi Yaakov MedanWhile Pharaoh’s dreams are a detail in the main story line of Yoseph’s rise to power, the story in Sefer Daniel stresses that God’s interest in communicating with Nevukhadnetzar is the primary purpose of his dreams. Nonetheless, since Nevukhadnetzar is such a sinful person, God cannot communicate with him, and therefore the dream is forgotten and Daniel is necessary. Daniel thanks God both for the content of Nevukhadnetzar’s dream and for revealing it to Daniel. God’s knowledge of man’s secrets is viewed differently by Iyov, who believes this reality damns man to fail in judgement before God – and by David as expressed in Tehillim, who views the knowledge as an opportunity for man to do better.
Rav Soloveitchik's Interpretation of Sefer Iyov
Rabbi Yair Kahn | Hour and 10 minutesSefer Iyov is one of the more challenging books in Tanakh. What is the meaning of the conclusion and how does it solve the difficult problems raised throughout the sefer? This lesson focuses on Rav Soloveichik’s interpretations in his works “Kol Dodi Dofek” and “Out of the Whirlwind” and deal with the themes of evil, suffering, Divine justice, and the lessons we can learn after the Holocaust.
The Elusive Iyov
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom | Hour and 6 minutesWhat is the goal of Sefer Iyov? What is the historical context? Did Iyov actually exist, or is the book allegorical? An examination of the various answers to these questions leads us to entertain many different ideas as to the purpose of Sefer Iyov, both as a particularly Jewish text but also as a universal one, presenting universal challenges and solutions.
Avraham & Iyov: Contemporaries?
Rabbi Moshe Shulmanתאריך פרסום: 2023 | | Hour and 10 minutes
One of the biggest questions that come up from reading Iyov is during what period he was in. Our Sages offer many opinions, including the suggestion that he was a contemporary of Avraham. Many questions arise from this suggestion, like why is Iyov never mentioned in the book of Genesis if he lived during that time? We will explore the ramifications of this approach, in particular, for understanding both the story of Iyov and the role of Avraham.
In memory of Israel and Yetra Goldberg in honor of their dedication in furthering Jewish education in St. Louis, Missouri.