Korban HaTamid

Found 12 Search results

  1. Tamid

    Rabbi Ezra Bick

    Why does the commandment regarding the daily burnt offering appear before the Mishkan is built? What is the relationship between the daily offering in Parashat Tetzaveh and the episode in Parashat Pinchas?

  2. The Daily Sacrifice (29:38-46)

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    The episode describing the daily Burnt Offering seems to be out of place, and is repeated in greater detail in Parashat Pinchas. Is there a relationship between the daily offering and the daily incense?

  3. Parshat Tetzaveh

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 40 minutes

    The verses describing the construction of mizbe'ach haktoret (the gold altar) are seemingly out of place, not listed among all the other vessels of the mishkan, despite their similarities in terms of materials, instructions, and construction. Why is this mizbe'ach listed separately? Rabbi Chanoch Waxman focuses on the nature of ketoret, placed alongside the aron ha'edut, both in the Torah and in the mishkan itself. This crucial connection teaches us about the means by which the Divine presence is brought forth by human initiative on a daily basis and about the presence of God in the world. 

  4. “Temidim in their order, and Musafim according to their laws”

    Doron Chitiz

  5. Routine in Tanakh

    Elisheva Brauner

  6. Beshalach - Tefilla and Action

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 30 minutes

    Bnei Yisrael are standing at the Sea, and they see the Egyptian forces coming. They call out to God, praying. Moshe tells them that God will fight for them, and that they are to proceed. How are Bnei Yisrael supposed to go if Moshe has not yet been commanded to split the sea? And how are we to understand the predicament of “Moshe’s hands were heavy” during the war with Amalek?  And where does the story of the manna fit in? We find some interesting parallels to Korban Tamid. The connections between the successive stories in Beshallah, model different aspects of the idea that God demands tefilla combined with action.

  7. Parashat HaShavua Tetzaveh - What is the Korban Tamid Doing Here?

    Rabbi Ezra Bick | 27 minutes

    Teruma is about how to build the mishkan. But what is Parashat Tetzave about? When we look at the parasha, ninety percent is about the Kohanim. These parashot form a dual whole about the construction of the Mikdash as a working building.
    Close to the end of this week's parsha, the Torah sums up. But then there is a description of the Korban Tamid - the Daily Sacrifice, in a passage which is basically identical to one Parashat Pinhas. Why are there two identical sections about the Tamid, and what is it doing here in the Book of Shemot, instead of Vayikra or Bemidbar? The placement and unique aspect of giving of the Tamid at the opening of the Tent of Meeting in our parasha relates to a purpose of the Mishkan (And Mikdash): developing a relationship with God so that God will dwell within our midst. 

  8. The Revelation of God's Glory upon the Altar, and the Deaths of Nadav and Avihu

    Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot

    This article focuses on the description of the dedication of the copper altar and its function, as well as the nature of God’s revelation in the Mishkan.  Our investigation of these subjects will help us answer some famous questions arising from Parashat Shemini- the sin and punishment of Nadav and Avihu. 

  9. Pinchas - The Importance of the Korban Tamid

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 20 minutes

    Though festivals offer  excitement and a break from routine, it is in the steady, routine Korban Tamid (daily offering) where we must find our focus. Rather than seeking to flit from one exciting experience to another, we must work on appreciating the significance and supreme importance of the everyday moments in our regular routine. 

  10. Moshe's Successor and the Laws of Musaf and Tamid

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  11. Parshat Tzav Part 1: "Command Aharon"- Torat HaOlah: Ashes and Fire & Laws of Minha

    Shani Taragin | 29 minutes

    These verses begin Parshat Tzav with the commandments to Aharon and his sons regarding the Terumat Hadeshen (removal of the ashes from the altar) and the daily Tamid sacrifices. This podcast discusses the relationship between this Parsha and the one preceding it, Vayikra.  

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  12. Parshat Tzav Part 2: Minhat Hinuch & Havitin for the Kohanim

    Shani Taragin | 25 minutes

    This podcast discusses the contradictions in Chapter 6 verses 12-16 regarding the Minchat Chinuch and the Minchat Tamid brought by the Kohanim and the Kohen Gadol. Who is the one actually responsible for bringing these sacrifices? What is the nature of these sacrifices and what are their goals? An exploration of the text and commentaries reveals a new in-depth understanding of these sacrifices.  

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com