Maaseh Avot Siman Lebanim
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Rabbi Alex Israel | 43 minutesWhen Avraham arrives in the Land of Canaan, despite the promise of a land for him and his descendants, he does not seem to settle down. In the world as it was then, Avraham could not find a home. But his wandering serves another purpose, too: publicizing the name of God.
Avraham - The Man of Spirituality and Worldliness
Rabbi Aharon LichtensteinRamban on Lekh Lekha: Fathers and Children - Maaseh Avot Siman LaBanim
Rabbi Ezra Bick | 32 minutesIn this week's shiur, we introduce and explore Ramban's interpretation of Chazal's comment that everything that happened in the stories of the Avot (forefathers), serve as a "siman" for the sons. What does "siman" mean? Ramban views this statement as saying that the actions of the forefathers affect future generations in a metaphysical way, such that future generations play out some aspect of the forefathers' actions and journeys, for better or for worse. But what about the Torah's concept that the "sins of the fathers shall not be visited on the sons"? Is there a real difference between punishments and "consequences"?
Part 2
Dr. Avigail RockThis lesson is dedicated to a number of philosophical topics that recur throughout the Ramban’s commentary on the Torah.
Maaseh Avot Siman Lebanim – The events that transpire with the forefathers is an omen for the children.
This historical view of the Ramban is of great significance, not just in the field of exegesis, but also because it has such a clear polemical anti-Christian aim. Indeed there is an allusion to the future in the stories of the forefathers, but the allusion is for Israel’s future — what is decreed upon their seed — but not for others, who are not of their seed.
The Superiority of the Land of Israel
The superiority of the Land of Israel predates Avraham and to the People of Israel. The overturning of Sodom was due to the superiority of the Land of Israel. As opposed to the other lands of the worlds that are managed by angelic representatives of God, the Land of Israel is managed by God directly.
The main significance of the fulfillment of commandments is in the Land of Israel.
Nissayon – Test
The test is designed to serve not the Tester, God, but rather the one who is being tested. The nissayon in the Torah is an opportunity which is provided for the righteous to apply in practice their dedication to God and to earn a reward for this. In this way, they will receive a reward not only for their potential dedication, but for their actual dedication as is described with regard to Akeidat Yitzhak and the mann.
Ma'aseh Avot Siman l'Banim: Parents and Children in Sefer Bereishit
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein and Dr. Tova Lichtenstein | HourStudying and teaching Sefer Breishit can be a tool in understanding the parent child relationship in all its complexity. Issues such as sameness and difference, continuity, change and tradition can be learned from the fathers and mothers of Am Israel. This panel of a mother who is social worker and a son who is a Rosh Yeshiva will address these issues theoretically and practically.