The Mutiny of Sheva ben Bikhri
Found 4 Search results
The Beginning of the Rebellion of Sheva Ben Bikhri
Chapter 19 (III) Chapter 20 (I)
Rabbi Amnon BazakOn his return to Jerusalem David meets Jonathan’s son Mefiboshet, who offers his own explanation to the events. Was David’s decision regarding Mefiboshet’s field correct?
The Rebellion of Sheva Ben Bikhri (continuation)
Chapter 20 (II)
Rabbi Amnon BazakDavid send Amasa ben Yeter, his new General, to suppress the uprising of Sheva ben Bikhri, but Amasa fails in his mission to enlist David’s supporters. What are the reasons for his failure? Did Yoav do the right thing when he killed him?
The Conclusion of Sheva Ben Bikhri's Rebellion
Chapter 20 (III)
Rabbi Amnon BazakThe uprising of Sheva ben Bikhri was overpowered thanks to the wisdom of the woman from Avel Mehola. How was her wisdom expressed? What connects her to two other biblical wise women – the woman from Tekoa, and the woman from Tevetz?
The Rebellion of Yerovam - New Kingdom, New Religion
Part 2
Rabbi Alex IsraelShekhem is a city that has hosted mass events in the past and a city with historic significance in general. The challenge that Rehavam meets from the Northern tribes reawakens old tribal conflicts that expressed themselves in David and Shaul's reigns. Rehavam takes the advice of the younger less mature advisors who grew up with him in the luxury of Shlomo's palace. Yerovam begins to fail as a leader when he sets up an alternative religion to the worship of God in the Mikdash in Jerusalem by setting up shrines in Beit El and Dan - two cities with a long history of religious significance. There he places golden calves reminiscent of Aharon's golden calf in the desert. Additionally, as per his democratic nature that fueled his rebellion against Shlomo, he appoints Kohanim from all of the people and establishes a new date for Sukkot.