
Found 4 Search results

  1. Boaz's Extraordinary Restraint

    Dr. Yael Ziegler

    Boaz demonstrates the ability to avoid temptation, in contrast with Shimshon, who succumbs to temptation. Shimshon squanders the opportunity to save the nation in the era of the Judges. Boaz's restraint leads the nation out of the darkness of the Era of the Judges, enabling the establishment of the House Of David.

  2. Purity of the Animals on the Ark: A Story of Boundaries

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  3. What Is the Story of Shimshon Doing in Sefer Shoftim?

    Rabbi Ezra Bick |

    Why does the Shimshon story exist? None of the other stories in the book of Shoftim have extended birth stories and such long accounts.The story of Shimshon does not seem to fit into the usual pattern.  What messages can we glean from the story? The Tanakh is interested in portraying the raw power of unrestrained freedom, but Shimshon's extreme lack of control leads the story - and his power- to spiral into chaos. Shimshon's task is to arouse the spirit of freedom in Bnei Yisrael. He neglects the onus of curbing his power and channeling it within constraints. The spirit of freedom is a good thing, but everyone has the responsibility of restraint while cultivating  freedom and power.


  4. Yosef's Self-Regulation

    Rabbi David Silverberg