Saving Noah from the Flood
Found 4 Search results
Survival and Revival - On the Righteousness of Noah
Rabbi Chanoch WaxmanNoah is introduced as a wholly righteous man, but ends his life drunk and humiliated. How does such a tragedy occur? A comparative read of the stories of the Flood and the destruction of Sodom reveals that Noah's failure stems from the fact that he didn't seek to help those around him, in contrast with Avraham, who attempts to help even the sinners of Sodom.
Creation Anew
Rabbi Zeev WeitmanAfter mankind was corrupted, God regrets creating man, and destroys every living thing. The renewal of the world after the flood is described as a re-creation of the world. Is the new world more successful than the first? What is the relationship between Noah's drunkenness and Adam's sin? Is there a relationship between Lot's drunkenness after the destruction of Sodom and Noah's drunkenness after the destruction of the world?
Parshat Noah Part 1: Before the Flood
Rabbi Alex Israel | 32 minutesWhat was the purpose of the flood in Parshat Noah? What was God’s plan? Through an exploration of the text we can understand that God’s plan wasn’t to destroy the world, it was merely to restore it to its original state.
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Parshat Noah Part 2: Decreation & Recreation
Rabbi Alex Israel | 34 minutesThrough an analysis of the perek describing the flood, we can glean within the text hints to a re-creation of the world by God, utilizing the pattern of the initial six days of creation.
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