Sefer Devarim

Found 13 Search results

  1. Mishneh Torah - The Book of Second Chances

    Rabbi Yehuda Shaviv

    This article offers an overview of Sefer Devarim, and surveys a myriad of issues raised throughout the book, including: the Divine authorship of Devarim; the centrality of repentance; new Mitzvot that have not yet been commanded; and the role of the community in Mitzvot and in repentance.

  2. Sefer Devarim, the Most ‘Misunderstood’ Book of the Bible

    Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

    תאריך פרסום: תשסט | |

    What is the purpose of Sefer Devarim? Rabbi Menachem Leibtag challenges the popular assumption that Sefer Devarim is a ‘review’ of the rest of Chumash, and proves that, in fact, Sefer Devarim is a crucial ending to the Chumash. By examining the progression from Sefer Shmot all the way to Devarim, we can see that Devarim is not a historical review; rather it details how Am Yisrael must become a nation representing God, utilizing a whole new set of laws, once they enter the land of Israel. 

  3. Sefer Devarim: The Beginning of the Oral Law

    Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ב | |

    This shiur will give us insight into the Mesorah and the way we think about Halakha. Sources from Rav Tzadok of Lublin and the Netziv which are not usually taught will help us understand very difficult questions that arise in Tanakh, about various commandments that contradict one another. We explore how we view our relationship, and the Written Torah’s relationship with the Oral Torah, and we find an evolution of the Oral Torah throughout Tanakh.    

  4. Mishneh Torah: The Book of Second Chances

    Rabbi Yehuda Shaviv | 14 minutes

    We survey a variety of issues raised throughout the book of Devarim, including: the Divine authorship of Devarim; the centrality of repentance; new mitzvot that have not yet been commanded; and the roles of the community in mitzvot and in repentance (teshuva).

  5. Hakhel, Shmitta, and the Story of Devarim

    Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ה | |

    We analyze the connection between Hakhel, Shemitta, in the context of Sefer Devarim as a continuation of the Revelation at Sinai. A major idea emphasized in Sefer Devarim is the preparation of Am Yisrael for entering Eretz Yisrael. There is going to be a need to restate the messages in Sefer Devarim and reenact the experience of revelation at Sinai when re-entering the Land of Israel, played out through Hakhel. We explore the imperative of staying connected to the Revelation at Sinai always, and relate to concepts such as conversion to help us understand the messages of Devarim and how to keep vibrantly connected to the covenant.

  6. Did the Prophets Create a New Torah When They Criticized the Sacrifices?

    Rabbi Yuval Cherlow

    תאריך פרסום: תש"ע | | Hour

    Tanakh was an important source of inspiration for early secular Zionists, enabling the spirit of revolution while serving as roots for life in the Land of Israel. The prophets were viewed as the first commentators of the Torah who championed the spirit of justice as opposed to sacrifices and ritual.

    But was this an accurate view? How can we reconcile the prophetic continuity of the Torah with their apparent rejection of sacrifices? Did they really reject sacrifices? We begin with the revolutionary approach of Yirmiyahu to God’s relationship with the Mikdash and analyze prophetic statements and the content of the Book of Devarim. The prophets emphasize the priorities of the religious identity that can too easily fall to the wayside. Are they saying that sacrifices aren’t important? Or are they highlighting behaviors and actions that need to form the basis of a society that includes ritual as well?

  7. Moshe Began to Explain

    Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky

  8. The Torah of Man

    Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun

    Sefer Devarim describes a shift in Bnei Yisrael’s view of leadership, going from a nation that is dependent on miracles and tests, to one that is constant and stable. The beginning of Parshat Devarim represents this transition to a new situation: obeying God involves observing the covenant, the covenant of Torah from Sinai, which is the fixed and eternal mode of God’s leadership of the nation.

  9. Devarim: Heading Home

    Rabbi Jay Kelman

  10. Descriptions of War in Devarim vs. Bemidbar

    Rabbi Shlomo Dov Rosen

  11. Who Wrote Devarim? Abarbanel's Approach

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  12. The Structure of Sefer Devarim Staff

  13. The Mishneh Torah: Humankind's Role in the Writing of God

    Rabbi Dr. Katriel (Kenneth) Brander

    תאריך פרסום: 2022 | | Hour and 5 minutes

    In this lecture, we’ll be delving into the meaning behind the second name of the book of Decarim, the Mishna Torah, and try to understand its implications on our engagement with God and the development of the Torah.



    In memory of Belda and Marcel Lindenbaum