The slave - owner relationship
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The Difference Between Haftarat Nahamu and Haftarat Ekev
Haftarot: Ekev/Nahamu
Rabbi Mosheh LichtensteinThe nation's suffering is intensified due to the length of the exile, and the feeling that God has abandoned them. The prophet encourages the nation by reminding them of the stable elements in their relationship with God: The fact that God relates to them as a parent, and views them as children; the fact that God vies them as a precious treasure; and the parable to a divorced wife to whom God continues to be loyal. The prophet later claims that God has not forgotten His nation, but the nation has shown that they are not ready for redemption.
Ending Liberty and Breaking the Covenant
Rabbi David SabatoRe'eh: The Strange Laws Of Jewish Slavery
Rabbi David Fohrman |In this week's parsha, we are given the commandments relating to a Jew having a Jewish slave. The laws here seem strange: we give gifts to the slave? If he wants to stay, we must pierce his ear? Rabbi Fohrman goes through these oddities to show us that the Torah is reminding us of our own national slavery in Egypt.
If you enjoyed this video, please visit to watch more.Vayetze: Yaakov - Lavan's Hebrew Slave?
Elisheva Brauner