
Found 4 Search results

  1. The Unity of Parashat Naso

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 37 minutes

    Naso is a long parasha, with various topics strung together (such as Gezel ha-Ger; Sotah, Nazir, and Birkat Kohanim). This shiur maps out the content and then seeks to explain the juxtaposition of the topics in this parsha which ultimately form a coherent whole. 

  2. Dust and Ashes: Avraham, the Red Heifer, and the Sota

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  3. Parshat Naso Part 3: Sota

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 25 minutes

    This podcast discusses the case of a sota woman and the process she undergoes to determine her guilt or innocence.


    Courtesy of

  4. Parshat Naso Part 4: Sota and Nazir

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 25 minutes

    This podcast concludes the topic of sota with the discussion of the outcome of the bitter water test. We then begin to discuss the topic of Nazir and the prohibitions which accompany this vow.  


    Courtesy of