Success in Exile

Found 4 Search results

  1. The Greatness of the King, and the Greatness of Mordekhai

    Chapter 10

    Prof. Jonathan Grossman

    Ending the book with Ahashverosh's greatness puts the story in perspective. This is the story of Ahashverosh and his kingdom - not a Jewish story. Mordekhai's greatness is entirely dependent on the king's whims. This viewpoint is reinforced by the many allusions to the story of Joseph throughout the Book of Esther: Joseph rose to the highest power imaginable, but after his death the Jews were enslaved in Egypt.

  2. The Irony of Yosef's Success

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  3. Vayetze: The Parasha of Exile

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 20 minutes

    Parashat Vayeitze seems to be the parasha of galut. Both forced and voluntary aspects of exile are present. We attempt to define "galut" and ask why Yaakov - and later, Israel - is in exile? Is it merely a punishment, or is there something more - another purpose? Why is the Torah given outside of Eretz Yisrael? Perhaps acceptance is a step that is necessarily before the period of implementation - exile lessens responsibilities, and perhaps offers an important opportunity for growth and development.


  4. Vayechi: Blossoming in Exile

    Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky