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"For God is Not a Man" (Audio)
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman |Parshat Balak appears to interrupt the flow of Sefer Bemidbar. Why does it belong in the Torah? This shiur explores the significance of the parallels between Parshat Balak and the Akeida story, and reveals that Parshat Balak and its placement at a momentous point in Bemidbar send an important message about God, Israel, sacrifices, and the Covenant (Brit).
An Immodest Proposal
Dr. Yael ZieglerNaomi crafts a plan for Ruth to seduce Boaz in contrast with the reputation that Ruth is attempting to develop for herself. Despite the temptation, Boaz chooses to control his desires and asks "Who are you?" thereby identifying Ruth as a person, and thus acting differently than Lot and Yehudah.
Boaz's Extraordinary Restraint
Dr. Yael ZieglerBoaz demonstrates the ability to avoid temptation, in contrast with Shimshon, who succumbs to temptation. Shimshon squanders the opportunity to save the nation in the era of the Judges. Boaz's restraint leads the nation out of the darkness of the Era of the Judges, enabling the establishment of the House Of David.