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Yehu ben Hanani
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Navot's Vineyard (Part 7)
Ahav's First Response vs. Second Response
Rabbi Elchanan SametThe comparison of Ahav’s House to the Houses of Yerovam and Basha implies that the House of Ahav will be nothing but a brief episode, devoid of influence, in the stormy history of the Kingdom of Israel. All of the enormous efforts at which Omri and Ahav had excelled – the creation of the new capital city and other cities, the forging of courageous political ties, the reinforcement of Israel's army – all of this will be counted for nothing! All of Ahav's positive qualities as the king of Israel, seeking the welfare of his nation, were dealt a mortal blow with Eliyahu's message that his royal line was about to end. This causes Ahav to repent.