Found 12 Search results
Parashat Yitro
Rabbi Yaakov MedanWhy did Yitro come to the camp? Was his advice to Moshe sage? Did Moshe follow his advice? When did Yitro arrive at the camp, and when did the parallel episodes of appointing elders and judges occur? Why was the punishment of the sinners at Kivrot Ha-Ta’ava so severe, and what is the difference between the requests for meat in Beha’alotekha and in Shelah?
"You Shall Not Explore After Your Heart and After Your Eyes..."
Rabbi Amnon BazakWhat is the relationship between the mitzvah of tzitzit and the Sin of the Spies that precedes it? What links these two episodes with the previous ones – the travels of the camp, Moshe and Hovav, and the complaints about the manna? The tzitzit reminds Bnei Yisrael that they need to put their trust in God. The Sin of the Spies stemmed from a simplistic perception of reality, instead of a spiritual one. The sin might also relate to Moshe’s request of Hovav: “Please, do not leave us… you shall be our eyes.”
Shaul's War against Amalek (I)
Chapter 15 (Part I)
Rabbi Amnon BazakThe mitzvah to destroy Amalek raises a number of moral issues: why were Bnei Yisrael commanded to destroy Amalek? Why does Shaul turn to the Keini and ask that they separate themselves from Amalek? Why was keeping Aggag alive such a terrible sin?
Of Lusts and Laments (Audio)
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman |Why is Moshe in such a crisis over the complaint of Bnei Yisrael? Bnei Yisrael have complained or misbehaved before, but this time Moshe says to God that the burden is too heavy and wishes to die. Examining this episode in context and looking at Yitro’s arrival in Shemot help to shed light on the situation.
HaTanakh.com StaffAmalek and the Keini
Shani Taragin | 5 minutesChapter 15 of Shmuel Alef relates the tragic failure of Shaul to complete the war against Amalek. The text emphasizes that he does not listen to God. But interestingly enough, he seems to begin to fulfill God’s command by telling the Keinites to separate from Amalek so they will be spared. There is precedent for this, apparently, in the book of Shemot, with the stories of Amalek’s attack and Yitro’s visit. This story will have repercussions for other stories in Tanakh.
Yitro and Amalek
Dr. Yael Ziegler | 33 minutesWhen does Yitro arrive? When does the meeting with Moshe take place? What was it that he heard that motivated him to see Moshe? And where does this meeting fit in chronologically- before or after Ma’amad Har Sinai? Why is it recorded here? There are astoundingly strong linguistic parallels between the Yitro and the Amalek story that precedes it. We look at these mirror image parallels, as well as the story of Yael and Sisra to see that the nearby nations are not monolithic when it comes to choices about the knowledge of God and the attitude toward Bnei Yisrael.
Structure and Meaning of Sefer Shemot
Dr. Yael Ziegler | 36 minutesThis shiur looks at some of the broader themes in Sefer Shemot, the story of Bnei Yisrael’s development into a nation. Why was the nation created? What was the purpose of the idea of a nation with a special relationship with God? The Book of Shemot can be divided into three broad sections, but how do the stories between the Song at the Sea and Mount Sinai fit into these categories? We return to some of the motifs in the first section of Shemot in order to answer our questions.
The story of Yitro serves as Shemot’s finale to the universalist goal of the Exodus story—that Egypt will recognize God. The rest of Shemot – the Giving of the Torah and the setting up of the Mishkan – begins to fulfill the other goal of the Exodus story: helping the People of Israel cultivate their own recognition of and relationship with God.
A Quick Look at Parshat Yitro - Moshe's Sons and Yitro's Visit
Rabbi Ezra Bick | 15 minutesWe look at the names of Moshe's sons and their significance in the stories of Moshe, with some midrashic takes on Pharaoh wanting to kill Moshe.
We also have a look at Yitro's visit and his reaction to hearing about the miracles in Egypt and at the Splitting of the Sea. Is he happy, or does his skin crawl at the news - or both?
Tavera, Yitro, and Shaul: The Edge of the Canp and Attending to the Vulnerable
Rabbi David SilverbergThe Marriage of God and Israel
Rabbi David Fohrman |Parshat Yitro contains the most important piece in the narrative of the Jewish people, the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai, when the nation and God are 'married.' Curiously, before that story, we have two short stories about Yitro, Moses's father-in-law, first when he throws a feast to celebrate the salvation, and then when he advises Moses to set up a court system.
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Parshat Yitro Part 1: Yitro's Arrival
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom | 43 minutesWho was Yitro? What motivated Yitro to come meet Moshe? What did he hear about? This podcast closely analyses the text in the beginning of Parshat Yitro in order to answer these questions.
Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com