Appointment of the Levites
Found 4 Search results
The Census of the Leviim
Prof. Jonathan GrossmanThis article discusses the dual census of the Levites, which is an expression of a dual perspective: one from the point of view of the Kohanim, and the other from the point of view of the Israelites.
The Election of the Tribe of Levi
Rabbi Ezra BickThe story of Korah ends with the flowering of Aharon's staff. The story is immediately followed by God's commandment to the Priests and Levites. Apparently the flowering of the staff was not only an indication of Aharon's position, but of God's choice of the entire tribe of Levi. Why does this choice require reinforcement? Apparently Aharon's special task stems from his tribe, and the unique role of the tribe stems from the nation. Kedusha belongs to the group as a whole, but each component plays a different role to enhance and support kedusha.
"At That Time Hashem Distinguished the Tribe of Levi"
Rabbi Amnon BazakThe selection of the Leviim includes two aspects: Secondary assistance to the primary servers of God – the Kohanim - and primary servers of God on the basis of their actions at the sin of the Golden Calf. The second aspect is prominent in the description of the Leviim in the Book of Devarim, despite the fact that it has no practical implication.
Leviim and Kohanim - Correct Actions or Capacity for Teshuva?
Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 28 minutesThe Leviim are at the centerpiece of Parashat Bemidbar – why? We will examine selection of the Leviim and the Kohanim, and compare with the selection of Moshe. Was the selection a pre-ordained choice, something reflected in reality even before the Exodus from Egypt, or was the decisive moment afterward?
Moshe and the Leviim may have been chosen because they did the right thing when surrounded by wrongs, but Aharon may have been chosen as Kohen Gadol because he made a mistake and was an ultimate Ba'al Teshuva.