Bein Adam LaMakom
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"Because They Sold The Righteous For Silver"
Haftarot: Vayeshev
Rabbi Mosheh LichtensteinThe nation turns to idolatry for two reasons: seeking spirituality and seeking pleasure. Amos rebukes the nation for their hedonism, and explains that the flaws in interpersonal relationships are also a flaw in our relationship with God.
Repentance and Atonement: The Haftara of Yom Kippur
Haftarot: Yom Kippur
Rabbi Mosheh LichtensteinDoes the haftara of Yom Kippur teach us about repentance or atonement? This lesson examines the terms teshuva and kappara, while highlighting the connection between these concepts and mitzvot between Man and His Fellow as opposed to mitzvot between man and God.