The conquest of Sihon and Og
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Bnei Yisrael - the New Generation
Rabbi Amnon BazakWhy is Moshe and Aaron’s response to the complaint at Mei Meriva different than their response to other complaints? Apparently Moshe and Aharon had expected the Second Generation to act differently than the generation they had led out of Egypt. God responds to the complaint by sending snakes to attack the nation, and as a solution commands the creation of the Bronze Serpent. Bnei Yisrael eventually learn to believe in God, and finally act independently of their leaders, when they sing the Song of the Well, and conquer the land of Sihon.
Ramban on Matot Masei - Cities and Name Changes
Rabbi Ezra Bickתאריך פרסום: תשס"ט | | 32 minutes
We examine exegetical comments by Ramban on two different pesukim in Mattot- Mas’ei. First, we look at something strange in the lists of cities, formerly in Sihon’s kingdom, which were settled by the people of Reuven. After two names of such cities, the Torah states that the names were changed. Were they changed from idolatrous names? If so, why aren’t the new names recorded, and why are only two cities singled out? Ramban, disagreeing with Rashi, has another explanation: the cities had their former names (from the time of Moav) restored. What is the significance of this? And is the command to inherit the land and settle it a practical sequencing suggestion, or is it one of the mitzvot?
Benei Yisrael: The New Generation [audio]
Rabbi Amnon Bazakתאריך פרסום: תשע"ו | | 14 minutes
What is the meaning of Moshe and Aharon's silent reaction to the nation's complaint at Mei Meriva, and what does this tell us about the nation's evolving relationship with God at the time?