Covers of the Mishkan
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Concerning the Mishkan
Rabbi Yaakov MedanThe terms used to describe the Mishkan have specific meanings. Mikdash is another word for the Holy Ark; Mishkan refers to the fabrics covering the Mishkan; and the Ohel is the topmost goatskin covers. Placing the goatskins above the fabric coverings is symbolic of the Mishkan as a reflection of the relationship between God and Am Yisrael, as described in Shir Hashirim. This article discusses the symbolism of the structure, and the lengthiness of the Torah’s description of the measurements of the Mishkan.
The Structure of the Mishkan
Rabbi Meir SpiegelmanWhat is the goal of the Mishkan? An analysis of the text suggests that the Mishkan’s purpose is twofold: the Mishkan represents a permanent continuation of the Revelation at Sinai, as well as a meeting place between God and Israel.