Death of Miriam
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Parashat Chukat - A Watershed in Sefer Bamidbar
Rabbi Elchanan SametThe events described in Parashat Chukat occurred on the fortieth year of Bnei Yisael's journey through the desert. The nation at this point in history comprised of the children of those who sinned in the Sin of the Spies. This fact sheds new light on their complaints.
The Next Generation
Rabbi Alex Israel | 31 minutesThis parasha has some very interesting components, beginning with the Para Aduma and continuing with narratives of wars and complaints; sins and punishments; symbols and miracles; high points and low points. This parsha highlights the stark contrast between the generation coming out of Egypt and the generation about to enter the land—the generation that is growing out of their current leaders.
Miriam, Moshe, and Water
Rabbi Shlomo Dov Rosen