The Fall of Babylonia

Found 1 Search results

  1. Yishayahu 13-14

    Matan Al HaPerek

    Rabbi David Sabato

    Perek 13 opens the second section of the book of Yeshayahu which continues through perek 23 and primarily consists of prophecies addressed to Babylonia, Philistia, Moav and other non-Jewish nations. The majority of these prophecies describe destruction, but some prophecies of consolation are included as well. The first prophecy in perakim 13-14 addresses Babylonia and predicts the fall of the Median Empire and its monarch. Perek 13 opens with a description of the gathering of God’s army for war (2-5), moves to a description of those who fear war (6-18), and reveals the identity of Babylonia only at the end of the perek. Perek 14 includes a prophecy of consolation addressed to the Jewish people ,(1-2), is mainly dedicated to mocking the king of Babylonia (3-23) and concludes with a prophecy of destruction addressed to the Philistines (28-32).