Mount Tavor
Found 2 Search results
The Battle at River Kishon - Part 1
Rabbi Michael HattinA careful and precise read of the text reconciles the apparent contradiction between the Biblical account regarding Hatzor and the archaeological evidence. This method can be used in many apparent discrepancies between the Biblical account and archaeological evidence.
Barak gathers his men at Mount Tavor, located at the confluence of the tribal boundaries of Zevulun, Naftali and Yissachar and at River Kishon, a watercourse that begins its route near the feet of the mountain and flows along the floor of the Yizrael Valley. Barak descended with his men at Devora's behest to battle Sisera, just as an unexpected cloudburst appeared and turned the fertile plain into an impassable mudflat, a topographic trap that abruptly rendered the Canaanite chariots useless.
The Battle at River Kishon - Part 2
Part 2
Rabbi Michael HattinAlthough the text of Chapter 4 makes no mention of any unusual precipitation, and is content to simply describe the victory as a generic intervention of God, a careful reading of the passage would seem to provide almost undeniable evidence that the said intervention took the form of a sudden storm and a resultant flash flood of the valley floor.