Shabbat and the Mishkan
Found 6 Search results
The Shabbat of Sinai and the Shabbat of the Mishkan
Prof. Jonathan GrossmanWhy does the Torah repeat the commandment of Shabbat along with the commandment of the Mishkan? The new command includes a variety of innovations, including the inherent sanctity and significance of Shabbat.
The Mishkan - A Reflection of Revelation, or of Creation
Rabbi Menachem Leibtagתאריך פרסום: תשע"ו | | Hour and 6 minutes
The Ramban, in his introduction to Parshat Terumah, proves how the Mishkan serves as an eternal reflection of the key events that took place at Har Sinai. In our discussion, we will show how the daily service in the Mishkan may also reflect the key message of the story of Creation, and will enlighten our understanding of one of the key themes of the Bible in regard to God’s relationship
with mankind.Parashat Shavua - Ki Tisa - Truth as an Attribute of Mercy
Rabbi Shlomo Dov Rosen | 30 minutesAfter Bnei Yisrael construct the Golden Calf and the first tablets are shattered, Moshe pleads with God for mercy on behalf of Bnei Yisrael. God teaches him the 13 Attributes of mercy. The list, strangely, includes "emet' - truth. In what sense could truth by a Divine attribute of mercy? And why is truth a quality that comes in addition to kindness? We eplore the relationship between truth and kindness to arrive at a deeper sense of the relationship between God and man, as well as between man and man. We also look at the verses preceding the Sin of the Golden Calf, which center around Shabbat. Both Shabbat and the Mishkan serve to continue the relationship between God and Israel begun at Sinai by having the Divine Presence in our midst in a normative way - part of justice being combined with hessed (kindness).
Shabbat and the Mishkan
Rabbi Elchanan SametBetween the seemingly concluding command about the Mishkan in Parshat Ki-Tisa and the debacle of the Golden Calf, there is a short section of six verses (31:12-17) containing the mitzva of Shabbat. What is the reason for the appearance of this mitzva here? Through an analysis of the various commandments relating to Shabbat, we can understand the placement of these verses, highlighting the relationship between the Mishkan and Shabbat. The conclusion of the command to build the Mishkan teaches that Shabbat, too – like the Mishkan – is a sign of the mutual covenant between God and Israel.
The Sabbath: First Day Or Last?
Rabbi Jonathan SacksThere is one marked difference between the account of God’s instruction to build the Sanctuary, and Moses instruction to the people. In the first case, the command of the Sabbath appears at the end, after the details of the construction. In the second, it appears at the beginning, before the details. Why so? Through a close examination of the text we can learn about the Mishkan and Shabbat as symbolic prototypes of the building of a society in carefully calibrated order and harmony.
This article is part of the Covenant & Conversation series.
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…So the people stopped bringing
Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky