
Found 14 Search results

  1. Unity and Individualism

    Rabbi Ezra Bick

    What was the sin of the builders of the Tower of Bavel? What could be wrong with unity? How does confusing mankind with languages solve the problem? What is the meaning of God's response? And what is the connection between the Tower of Bavel and the selection of Avraham?

  2. The Golden Idol (continued)

    Part 2

    Rabbi Yaakov Medan

    Both in the time of Nimrod and in the time of Nevukhadnetzar, the collective behavior was not an expression of unity, but rather of the tyrannical reign of a single man, who thought for everyone. In both instances the ruler’s plan was successfully challenged by individuals with love and fear of God. Informing to authorities is the type of Lashon Hara that leads to torture and death and is therefore comparable to the three cardinal sins. Three types of miracles exist: a miracle cloaked in nature that remains hidden; a miracle that alters nature – such as the miracle of the three in Nevukhadnetzar’s furnace; and a miracle where God himself intervenes and also defeats the enemy as was the miracle that Avraham merited.

  3. Unity or Tyranny

    Rabbi Yaakov Medan

  4. Seven Cows and Togetherness

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  5. Yosef's Motives

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  6. The Importance of Fraternity: Parashat Mikeitz and the Story of Haman

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  7. Yosef's Dreams and Treatment of his Brothers in Egypt

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  8. Wagons for Yaakov - Midrash and Meaning

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  9. Vayigash -Parsha and Haftara - Yehuda, Yosef, and the Challenges of Unity

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 14 minutes

    Yosef and the brothers meet, and Yehuda pleads on behalf of Biyamin. Rashi give a harsh reading of Yehuda’s words, saying that he is expressing his readiness to wage war on Yosef. The pshat -reading seems to suggest otherwise, but the idea of Yehuda facing off with Yosef plays out in later centuries- in the tensions between Kingdom of Yehuda and the House of Yosef. God warns that there will be a split, and during the time of Shlomo's son Rehavam, a descent of Yosef, Yerovam, arises as King of Israel. 

    Is unity always ideal? Why is there a Divinely mandated kingdom split? We relate these questions to the Haftara for Vayigash, about the tree branches symbolizing the reunification of Yehuda and Yosef.


  10. Teruma, Shekalim, and Purim: Unity and the Half-Shekel

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 18 minutes

    Teruma and Shekalim deal with the instructions for the Mikdash (the Mishkan) –the apparent peak of avodat Hashem. Purim, which comes around this time, is the opposite of that spectrum: Jewish assimilation -only oming together because of a threat. Beginning with Parashat Shekalim, we explore the common denominator between these two extremes: appreciating what makes us similar. The half-hekel and the service of the Kohanim remind us that we are part of something greater. The half shekel needs something to complete it, and the purpose of the Kohanim is to represent Bnei Yisrael. At times, we need to be lowered from our high horses, and must remember that we are part of a greater whole.

  11. Vayakhel - Unity in the Desert

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 17 minutes

    In this shiur, we consider the unity of the Nation of Israel as they traveled in the desert. The unique situation of the whole nation congregated in one place, together, is something that has never happened again in the history of Israel.  Special opportunities and challenges came up which were only possible for this singular circumstance.

  12. Parashat Noah: Spiritual “Disguised Unemployment”

    Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky

  13. The path to victory

    Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss

  14. Davidian Political Leadership: Leadership Critically Needed Today

    Rav Doron Perez |

    The book of Shmuel is primarily the book of David. This shiur aims to uncover the clear and consistent leadership philosophy of our greatest political leader - King David. It aims to prove that the purpose of Jewish political leadership in this model is about unity and not about power. It shall be called this model “Davidian political leadership” and sharply juxtapose it to the non-Jewish model of Machiavellian politics. The ultimate messianic model of leadership must descend from King David and is so desperately needed today.