The appearance of the Malakh
נמצאו 2 תוצאות חיפוש
Chapter 5 Finale: The Paschal Lamb, the Manna, and the Termination of Sefer Yehoshua's First Section
Rabbi Michael HattinThis lesson continues the discussion about circumcision by investigating the people's failure to practice circumcision during the sojourn in the wilderness. We will also consider their fulfillment of the Pessah Sacrifice, the cessation of the miraculous manna, and the mysterious appearance of the 'Angel of God' at the conclusion of Chapter 5.
Mother Without a Name: The Story of Samson's Birth
Dr. Yael Zieglerתאריך פרסום: תשע"ד | |
Why is Shimshon the last major shofet in the book of Shoftim before a state of apparent anarchy? His story, which spans several chapters, begins with a detailed and wondrous tale of the announcement of his impending birth by a malakh. A close reading of this first chapter in the “Shimshon saga”, with comparisons to similar “barren women” stories, sheds light onto why and how great potential was wasted.