Avraham - Name Change

נמצאו 5 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. What's in a name - the transition from Avram to Avraham

    Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

    תאריך פרסום: תשס"ט | |

    What are Chazal trying to tell us when they say it is wrong to call Avraham Avinu by his former name, “Avram”? We view the name-change moment as the transition between Part A and Part B in the life of Avraham. We examine the content and structure of Avraham's stories and ask: what does Avram do as opposed to Avraham, and vice versa? What aspects of his life and approaches are reflected by his respective names?


  2. What's in a Name?

    HaTanakh.com Staff

  3. The Parallel Between Yaakov and Avraham

    Prof. Jonathan Grossman

    Yaakov’s departure from Canaan is surprising considering Yitzchak’s prohibition to leave the land. This article compares the main events of Yaakov’s life with those of his grandfather Avraham. The comparison is reinforced by content and literary analysis. Yaakov is required to create the nation of Avraham’s offspring after the crisis of Esau’s rejection despite the fact that he was Yitzchak’s son.

  4. The Chizkuni — R. Chizkiya ben Manoach

    Dr. Avigail Rock

    The Chizkuni wrote a comprehensive commentary on the Torah, and his style is very clear and accessible.

    It appears that the Chizkuni had three aims in composing his commentary on the Torah:

    ·       To collect all the explanations in keeping with the peshat from the works of the commentators who preceded him.

    ·       To explain Rashi’s’ commentary by adding or changing to Rashi's words, by resolving difficulties in Rashi, and by pointing out inconsistencies in Rashi’s commentary.

    ·       To write an independent commentary on the Torah. Despite the fact that the Chizkuni utilizes many commentaries for the purposes of writing his work, there are more than a few original commentaries to be found in its lines, characterized mainly by his attempt to understand reality and the psychological motivations of the characters in each narrative.

  5. Parshat Lech Lecha Part 6: Berit Milah

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 28 דקות

    What is the significance of the covenant of circumcision, commanded to Avraham in Perek 17? This podcast examines the reasons behind the practice and the parallels this covenant shares with the previous covenant of Brit Bein Habetarim. 

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com