The birth of Shmuel
נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש
Hannah's Child
Haftarot: The First Day of Rosh Hashana
Rabbi Mosheh LichtensteinThe haftara of Rosh Hashana relates the story of Hannah and the birth of Shmuel. Sarah, Rachel and Hannah were all infertile, and according to the midrash they all had babies on Rosh Hashana. They all made the ultimate sacrifice for a greater cause. Sarah and Rachel took in another wife for their husbands, and Hannah sacrificed the very son she had prayed for. The secret of merit on Rosh Hashana is giving up personal dreams and aspirations for the ultimate goal of serving God.
I Shmuel 1-2
Matan Al Haperek
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta ShapiraThe story of Shmuel’s birth begins a new chapter in the history of the Jewish people. Both the book and the influential character of Shmuel serve as the transition between the national tragedies recounted at the end of Shoftim and the glorious heights the nation reached during the early days of the monarchy.
Lesson 1: A Book of Personalities
Prof. Yehuda ElitzurThis biblical book is intent upon telling the story of the prophet Samuel, his parents, his background and environment, and his advent as a prophet in Israel. Unlike Joshua and Judges, the book of Samuel is a book of personalities. All the stories center around three outstanding persons: Samuel, Saul and David.