Chronology of Babylonian Dynasty
נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש
The Writing on the Wall
Rabbi Yaakov MedanOpinions vary regarding the precise chronology of the Babylonian dynasty. The kingdom of Babylon is limited to seventy years when no such limitation existed with any previous empire. Belshatzar’s pride and confidence leads him to drink out of the vessels of the Beit HaMikdash. This is similar to the Sages’s description of Ahashverosh’s behavior. Koresh’s desire to send the vessels of the Beit HaMikdash with the Jews back to Israel may have stemmed from a desire to remove the vessels that brought about Belshatzar’s downfall. Daryavesh’s age of sixty two when he assumes the throne of the empire means his birth corresponds with the first time Nevukhadnetzar first entered the Beit HaMikdash.
The Rise of Nevuchadnetzar and the Beginning of the Babylonian Era
Rabbi David SabatoAfter twenty-three years of prophecy during which Yirmiyahu and his fellow prophets warned about the impending calamity, the geopolitical situation becomes clarified; the "enemy from the north" about whom Yirmiyahu had warned over the years of his prophecy takes on concrete form in the figure of Nevuchadnetzar, king of Babylonia, serving as God's agent, who will come and punish the people for their refusal to hear His words during those years. Additionally, Yirmiyahu provides a long list of nations and kings who will fall into the hands of Nevuchadnetzar, and he thus highlights the global revolution that will take place in the wake of his conquests. After seventy years however, Babylon too will be destroyed.
The Enemy from the North: Nevukhadnetzar's Ascent
Rabbi David Sabato