David's Rule in Hebron

נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The First Split of the Kingdom

    Chapter 2 (I)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    Chapter 2 discusses the first period of David’s monarchy over Judah in Hebron. Why was David’s first order of business to turn to the people of Yavesh Gilad? Who is to blame for the division of Israel into two monarchies – with Ish Boshet ruling over Israel and David ruling over Judah?

  2. Lesson 18: The Israelite Kingdoms - Mahanaim and Hebron

    Prof. Yehuda Elitzur

    What was the Philistine attitude to David’s new Judean kingdom? It appears that the Philistines showed no opposition to David. Hebron was close to Philistine territory, and if they had not agreed to David’s kingdom they could have easily deployed their victorious army against Hebron. The significant fact of David’s rule in Hebron is that there was no war between Judah and the Philistines. Why did the Philistines not crush the budding and still weak Davidic kingdom? This essay explores these questions. 

  3. Lesson 19: From Hebron to Jerusalem

    Prof. Yehuda Elitzur

    This essay discusses David's move from Hebron to Jerusalem.