Destruction of Moav

נמצאו 2 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Yeshayahu 15-16

    Matan Al HaPerek

    Rabbi David Sabato

    Perek 15-16 details Yeshayahu’s prophecy regarding Moav. His pronouncement opens with a prediction of  Moav’s destruction, however most of  the prophecy is devoted to a description of  the great mourning left in its wake (15:1-9). Scattered throughout this section are the names of  Moav’s main cities.  The second half  of  the prophecy (16:1-5) describes the pleas of  Moabite refugees seeking refuge in Israel. In the third section (16:6-12), Yeshayahu vividly describes the destroyed fields and vineyards of  Moav as well as the destruction of  its temples and high places (bamot). In the final pesukim of  the prophecy (13-14), Yeshayahu reveals that there are only three years left until the arrival of  Moav’s destruction.

  2. Yirmiyahu 47-48

    Matan Al Haperek

    Rabbi David Sabato

    The prophecies for the gentile nations continue in perakim 47-48. Perek 47 includes a short prophecy on the destruction of the Philistine cities, which neighbored Israel to the west.  Perek 48 includes a long, detailed prophecy about the destruction of Moab, which neighbored Israel to the east. The prophet describes Moab as an arrogant land,  full of self-confidence, and goes on to describe at length the complete destruction of the land and its grief, while listing the names of the cities and areas which will be destroyed. In the prophecy of doom of Yirmiyahu we find selections from previous prophecies of doom about Moab.