Esav's angel
נמצאו 5 תוצאות חיפוש
Ya'akov's Encounter with Esav and His Struggle with the Angel
Rabbi Elchanan SametYaakov prepares extensively to meet with Esav, but there is a great contrast between the fear and trepidation that accompanies the preparations and what happens at the actual meeting. The struggle with the angel, which is at the very center of the story, is an integral part of the narrative; the purpose of the struggle is to explain the gap between the preparations and the actual meeting.
I Have Seen Your Face Like Having Seen the Face of God
Rabbi David SilverbergYaakov and Yisrael: The Struggle with the Angel
Rabbi David SilverbergYaakov's Struggle: Escape or Triumph
Rabbi David SilverbergShort Thoughts about Yaakov and the Angel
Rabbi Ezra Bick | 10 דקותParashat Vayishlach tells of Yaakov's struggle with a man all night - the famous struggle of Yaakov with the angel. At the end, the angel asks Yaakov to send him off because the dawn is breaking. What is the importance of the breaking dawn? We take a deeper look at a related midrash about angels, which highlights the idea that everything has its moment and purpose.