Fear of God

נמצאו 15 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The Biblical Roots of Midrashic 'Stories'

    Rabbi Moshe Shulman

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ג | |

    We take a methodological look at “Midrashic stories” and how our Sages used these stories, often borrowed or reframed from completely different parts of Tanach, to interpret and highlight Biblical events of parallel or contrasting nature.

  2. Fear Not For I Am With You

    Haftarot: Lekh Lekha

    Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

    The prophet emphasizes God's ability and desire to redeem His nation, both because of their significance, and because of the covenant of the Forefathers.

  3. "I Have Formed You; You Are My Servant"

    Haftarot: Vayikra

    Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

    The prophet describes the relationship between God and Am Yisrael in terms of a servant and master. Sacrifices are therefore necessary to enable the servant to stand before his master. The reason behind the redemption in the haftara is God's responsibility toward the nation as a master, who is obligated to care for his servants. The haftara ends with the prophet mocking idolaters who create their statues, and emphasizes God's role as a creator.

  4. "Rejoice With Trembling"

    Haftarot: Toldot

    Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

    The bible presents two models for the relationship between man and God. One parallels the relationship between a servant and his master, and the other is an intimate and loving relationship. The service of God is meant to include both models.

  5. Shema Yisrael - The Goals of Mitzva Observance

    Rabbi Reuven Taragin

    Moshe delivers two parallel speeches over the first eleven chapters of Devarim. Beyond developing links between Mitzva observance and success, the second speech also redefines the man-God relationship forged by this observance. The first speech focuses on fearing God while the second speech focuses on loving Him.

  6. The Covenant of Love between God and Israel (Audio)

    Prof. Jonathan Grossman | 14 דקות

    This shiur discusses the nature of the covenant as expressed in Parashat Eikev. What is the meaning behind the aparent emphasis of the  juxtaposition of the wicked and idolatrous nations and the promise to the forefathers?

  7. Israel's Return and God's Return (Audio)

    Prof. Jonathan Grossman | 12 דקות

    Why is parashat Nitzavim juxtaposed to a lengthy section of curses? Our parasha is a direct continuation of last parsha’s covenant, albeit providing another aspect. A novel element—teshuva—is presented here, even though it apparently deviates from the legal norms of a total and eternal commitment expressed in the forging of a covenant.

  8. Avraham and the Command of the Akeida

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 33 דקות

    The Story of Akeidat Yitzhak (The Binding of Isaac) has been a troubling one for many. This shiur examines various approaches to the significance, challenge, and purpose of the command given to Avraham, comparing and contrasting this challenge with other ones Avraham faces. Avraham’s character and approach to Divine service and morality is brought into sharper focus.

  9. The Amorality of Amalek

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 39 דקות

    Amalek is presented as an archetypal enemy, but what, precisely, is so objectionable about this nation? We look at how Amalek is described in the Torah, and in selected examples from Neviim Rishonim. We also examine the concept of “yirat Elokim”—fear of God as it pertains to our topic.

  10. Espionage in the House of Ahab

    Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ד | |

    Beginning with the “oil miracle” for the wife of one of the “Bnei ha-Neviim” in the stories of Elisha the prophet, we ask a number of questions that lead us to the individual Ovadya mentioned in the stories of Eliyahu. Who is Ovadya? Ovadya is a senior official of Ahab, but he also secretly hides and sustains hundreds of prophets-in-training. How did he come to be so trusted by King Ahab, whose fault it was that the prophets feared for their lives? Classic commentators assist us in painting a portrait of Ovadya, who becomes the insider agent who connects the dots between seemingly unrelated stories, personalities and events.

  11. “From the Depths I Call to You” – Psalm 130

    Part 2

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    The expression “from the depths” connotes “deep water”, and this is a metaphor for the dire straits in which the worshipper finds himself. The psalm describes a person who is praying because he feels that he is about to drown; thus, God’s aid is a vital and immediate need.

    The “depths” in which the worshipper finds himself, and from whence he called to God, are a metaphor for his sins.

    However, the great distress which the worshipper suffered in stanza a. is eased somewhat once he has given thought, in stanza b., to the well-known truth that “with God is forgiveness." Now he is certain that God has indeed heard his voice and has listened to his supplications.

  12. Yosef Models Rethinking One's Course

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  13. Re'eh: A Special Place

    Rabbi Jay Kelman

  14. Thoughts on Parashat Ki Tetze

    Rabbi Yaakov Beasley

  15. Wiping out Amalek: Vendetta or Virtue?

    Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

    תאריך פרסום: 2023 | |

    How can the same section in Sefer Devarim which forbids 'punishing children for the sins of their parents' also demand that we wipe out the descendants of Amalek? The lecture examines the numerous encounters with Amalek throughout Chumash & Navi - to determine if Amalek is the eternal 'enemy of Israel' or the 'enemy of God'.